Category: Uncategorized

Comprehension Issues…not just for kids

At Happy Frog Apps, we focus mainly on kids who have trouble with reading comprehension.  But there’s a whole audience of aging seniors out there who also have trouble with reading comprehension.  Unfortunately, not much is known yet about how comprehension declines and what can be done to help combat it.

Here’s an except from a recent article that I found interesting..

What happens when the memory loss associated with aging prevents someone from fully comprehending the words they read? For many with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD), they close the book, newspaper, or magazine, losing an important means of connecting with the outside world.

Over the past year, two University of New England researchers and a team of students have studied elderly subjects to better understand the effects of aging and memory decline on reading comprehension. Ultimately, they hope to use their findings to identify new approaches that will allow individuals with ADRD to enjoy meaningful reading longer into their lives.

Read more:


We Happy Froggers will still  maintain our focus on kids’ reading issues…but it will certainly be interesting to keep an eye on this research in case we can learn from it!

Main Idea 1 has official launch date


Our latest app ‘Main Idea 1’ will launch on the Apple App Store on August 26…just in time for back-to-school!

Main Idea 1 is the first in our Main Idea series and builds proficiency in understanding what a sentence is about and the main idea it is conveying.  Once a child firmly establishes this skill, they are well prepared for understanding the main ideas of a page or paragraph.

Main Idea 1 includes over 600 questions and has a new game in the Reward Center –  plenty to keep everyone engaged and learning!

Stay tuned for another update in August… we’ll also talk about what exciting apps are coming next!

Inference Ace 2 is Available!

I’m excited to announce the release of Inference Ace 2!
This app wasn’t on our original development road map, but after testing Inference Ace, we knew we had to develop Inference Ace 2.
The reason?  Even though our testers were learning how to make great inferences, they had trouble when we asked them questions like, “Which words let you guess it was night time?”
So Inference Ace 2 focuses on helping kids identify which clue words lead to an inference and which inference follows from specific clue words. As usual, we have graduated learning, fun rewards, and timers to ensure fluency!
We’re glad we deviated off our path to bring you this app.  If a child in your life needs to work on inferences, make sure they have the complete skill set by including Inference Ace 2 in your tool kit.
Stay tuned…our next app will help kids learn to identify the main idea of a text!
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